Public sources include sites that anybody on the internet can easily visit to download or purchase a list of leaked records. This data includes Pastebin links, public link forums and direct downloads on file-sharing networks.
We gain access to stolen information by interacting with criminals on private forums inaccessible to the general public, where data thieves trade or sell their information. Our breach detection resources can help discover if your information was or is currently being offered underground, so you can quickly address the situation.
Secure your credit and debit card numbers, driver’s license number, PIN numbers and more in a secure location in the event your wallet or purse is lost or stolen.
Safe Wallet offers simple access to these important numbers, along with the phone to numbers to call to restore the accounts.
Deactivating and replacing the essential items in your wallet or purse once lost or stolen is stressful and time consuming. With a single call, you can enlist our team to help complete the steps required to retrieve or replace your essentials and contact your financial institutions.